Martedì, 26 April 2022 10:34

Newsletter - N.2 / 2022 Progetto SAVE Erasmus+

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From the 28th to 29th of March, the European partners of the Erasmus+ Project SAVE met in Celje, Slovenia. In a very productive meeting, the team finished the Toolkit with the 5 different training modules on global citizenship for adult learners and talked about the experimentation and assessment phase of the project.

In every project country – Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Germany and France – Adult trainers and educators will test the training modules with their learners. The topics covered by the modules are Sustainable Development, Cultural Diversity, Equal opportunities, Historical Memory and Citizenship and Digital Literacy (Fake News, etc.). The goal with our methodology and the toolkit is to enhance global citizenship competences amongst adult learners and equip adult trainers with new andragogical methodologies and tools.


On 8 April, the SAVE project partners held a webinar to present the SAVE project toolkit. Each partner described the activities of the modules, the methodology used and the context in which the activities were carried out.

webinar save solco

Click here to watch the webinar!


The toolkit includes 5 training modules designed to develop global citizenship skills within language courses for foreign adults. Each module contains pedagogical/andragogical objectives, linguistic objectives, materials to be used, instructions for carrying out the activity in the classroom, tips for the facilitator.


This module aims to develop critical thinking about online information sources, privacy rules, the press and unreliable sites. It also offers a different perspective on online shopping and the attention it requires.

  • Home economics exercise 1.h30 | Small group (5 people) | from : A2
  • European consumer rights online 1 h30 | Large group (15 people) | from : A2
  • Fake news 2h00 | Large group (10 people) | from : A2
  • Radicalisation 2h30 | Large group (15 people) | from : A2

MY ROLE IN A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY - Akademie Klausenhof (Germany)

This module aims to highlight the contribution that each person can make on an individual level to creating an ecological and sustainable model. Each person is responsible for himself/herself, his/her immediate environment, the society in which he/she lives and finally the global society.

  • My mobile phone and I. 1h00 |Small or large group | from: A1-A2
  • Simulation game:Let's change something! 2h00| Large group (10 to 15 people) | from: A2-B1
  • GCE in the supermarket. 4h00 | Small group (5 to 10 people) | from : A1- A2


This module encourages adults to work in intercultural and multilingual situations, where there is a diversity of cultural codes, in order to promote mutual understanding and tolerance. The module leads participants to become aware of their personal capacities and to consider culture as a dynamic and multifaceted process.

  • Cultural iceberg 0h45 | Small or large group | from : A2 - B1
  • Clich'ionnary 0h45 | Large group (from 10 persons) | From : A1- A2
  • Card game Mau-Mau 1h30 | Large group (from 10 persons) | From : A1-A2
  • Multiple identities 1h30 | Large group (15 persons or more) | From : A2
  • Interproduction 0h45 | Small or large group | From : A1


This module focuses on equal opportunities, particularly in relation to gender. The module addressed different aspects: inequalities and differences in opportunities between individuals, gender roles, the characteristics of women and men and their historical social construction, or the impact of institutions on the reproduction of certain inequalities.

  • Step forward 1h30 | Small or large group | from : B1 - B2
  • Debate on gender stereotypes 0h45 | Small group (10 people) | from : B1 - B2
  • Conversation on gender discrimination 0h45 | Small group (10 people) | from : B1 - B2
  • Traits of men and women 0h45 | Large group (15 people) | from : B1 - B2
  • Narratives on the theme of patriarchy 1h00 | Small or large group | from : B1 - B2
  • Gender discrimination in social institutions 1h00 | Small or large group | from : B1 - B2


This module focuses on the theme of citizenship and, more generally, on historical, civic and political memory. It aims to promote and develop students' civic and citizenship competences. The theme of the module is linked to the territory and the city where the students live, the activities are designed to be modulated and adapted to the contexts in which they will take place.

  • The city in my view 1h30 | Small or large group | from : A2-B1
  • I am here: my network 2h00 | Large group (of 10 people) | from : A2-B1
  • The network around me 2h00 | Large group (of 10 people) | from : A2-B1
  • Educational walk: the welfare services 7h00 | Large group (of 10 people) | from : A2-B1
  • Educational walk:the places of political power 3h00 | Large group (of 10 people) | from: A2-B1


Download the toolkit at this link:

All information about the SAVE project and the materials produced are on the website:

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